OnRamps & College Credit

Students and their families can explore detailed information about our college credit-bearing opportunities, specifically earning credit, college credit, and grade reporting.

For any additional questions or concerns, contact the OnRamps Support team at support@onramps.zendesk.com.

Earning Credit

When a student earns and accepts credit for an OnRamps course, the grade will appear on the student's university transcript. A letter grade of D- or better is considered passing.

OnRamps college credit earned for a letter grade of C- or above for courses with a Core Curriculum designation are required by law to transfer to any public higher education institution in the state of Texas. These are noted in the Texas Core Code column in the below table.

Most OnRamps courses have Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS) equivalency numbers approved by The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin). These are noted in the TCCNS Equivalency column in the below table.

Transferability and Grades

Each college or university evaluates transfer credit based on its own policies, which vary by school, college, and institution. In order to determine how OnRamps courses will transfer, if they will apply to a major or degree program, and if the grade will factor into the GPA, students must contact the higher education institution they plan to attend.

Since OnRamps college credit is provisioned through UT Austin's University Extension, UT Austin policies that apply to University Extension courses apply to OnRamps courses. OnRamps course grades are factored into a student’s cumulative GPA at UT Austin. For more information, visit the UT Undergraduate Catalog.

UT Austin Transcripts

Students who earn and accept college credit in an OnRamps course may request a transcript from UT Austin's Texas One Stop and have it sent to their chosen higher education institution. Students will not automatically receive a transcript.

Students must wait until the final course grade is recorded with the Office of the Registrar before ordering a transcript. Students may use the Registrar's View My Grades application to confirm their course grade is posted to their UT Austin transcript. Ordering a transcript before grades are posted may result in either a canceled order, if no grades are present, or receiving a transcript without all courses included. The Registrar charges $20 for each transcript requested.

OnRamps students will use the online transcript ordering system.

OnRamps students who are unable to order online may complete the transcript order form and submit it according to the instructions at the top of the form.

For additional information about how to order a UT Austin transcript, visit the Texas One Stop website.

Transcripts are not available for courses in progress, courses that were dropped, or courses for which the student elected not to claim credit. If you need a letter from OnRamps to verify enrollment or non-attendance at UT Austin, please complete the OnRamps Letter Request Form.

College Records and Privacy

While parents may communicate with the high school teacher about students' high school grades, the college instructor of record may not communicate with parents regarding students' college grades. The college instructors of record will make every attempt to communicate with the student as this is an important maturation point for college students.

Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), rights belong to the parents with respect to high school records and belong to the student with respect to postsecondary records—regardless of the student's age.

OnRamps Courses

The table below provides information about OnRamps courses, including subject, prerequisites, and credit transfer and equivalency information.

SubjectOnRamps College Course TitlePrerequisitesUT Austin Course CodeTexas Core CodeTCCN Course Equivalency
English Language Arts (ELA)Introduction to Rhetoric: Reading, Writing and ResearchEnglish I and English IIRHE 306010ENGL 1301
English Language Arts (ELA)Reading and Writing the Rhetoric of American IdentitiesEnglish I and English IIRHE 309J010ENGL 1302
MathDiscovery Precalculus: Preparation for CalculusAlgebra II, GeometryM 305G020MATH 2312
Computer ScienceComputer Science: Thriving in our Digital WorldAlgebra I, Preferred: Algebra IICS 303E093N/A
GeoscienceEarth, Wind, and Fire: Introduction to GeoscienceBiology and Chemistry, or IPC and ChemistryGEO 302E030N/A
Physics IMechanics, Heat, and SoundAlgebra I and Geometry, Recommended: Algebra II or PrecalculusPHY 302K 030PHYS 1301
Physics I LabLab for Mechanics, Heat, and SoundAlgebra I and Geometry, Recommended: Algebra II or Precalculus; Concurrent enrollment in PHY 302KPHY 102MN/APHYS 1101
Physics IIElectromagnetism, Optics, and Nuclear PhysicsTEKS-based Physics, Algebra II, and Geometry, Recommended: OnRamps PHY 302K, AP Physics I, Honors Physics or PHYS 1301, PrecalculusPHY 302L030PHYS 1302
EconomicsEconomicsRecommended: completed or concurrent enrollment of Algebra ECO 304K080ECON 2302
US GovernmentIssues and Policies in American Government
U.S. History or concurrent enrollmentGOV 312L070GOVT 2302
US HistoryThe History of the United States, 1492-1865Concurrent or completed English IIHIS 315K060HIST 1301
US HistoryThe History of the United States Since 1865Concurrent or completed English IIHIS 315L060HIST 1302
MathCollege AlgebraAlgebra I, Recommended: GeometryM 301N/AMATH 1314
Arts and Entertainment TechnologiesFoundations of Arts and Entertainment TechnologiesRecommended: Graphic DesignAET 304050N/A
Chemistry IPrinciples of Chemistry IAlgebra ICH 301030CHEM 1311
Chemistry I LabIntroduction to Chemical Practices IAlgebra I; Concurrent enrollment in CH 301CH 104MN/ACHEM 1111
Chemistry IIPrinciples of Chemistry IIOnRamps CH 301 and CH 104M, AP Chemistry, or equivalentCH 302030CHEM 1312
Chemistry II LabIntroduction to Chemical Practices IIOnRamps CH 301 and CH 104M, AP Chemistry, or equivalent; Concurrent enrollment in CH 302CH 104NN/ACHEM 1112
BiologyIntroductory Biology ITEKS-based High School Biology, TEKS-based High School ChemistryBIO 311C030BIOL 1306
Biology Lab for Introductory Biology I
TEKS-based High School Biology, TEKS-based High School Chemistry, Concurrent enrollment in BIO311C BIO 106M N/A BIOL 1106
Quantum TechnologiesIntroduction to Quantum TechnologiesAlgebra I and Geometry, Recommended: Algebra II or PrecalculusPHY 309L030PHY 1307
MathElementary Statistical MethodsAlgebra I; Preferred: Algebra IISDS 301020MATH 1342

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