Elementary Statistical Methods
3 College Credits | UT Course Code: SDS 301 | TCCNS: MATH 1342 | Core Code: 020
High School Course Prerequisites: Algebra I required, Algebra II recommended

Engage in collaborative problem solving, learn to analyze data, and express findings effectively.
This introductory course covers the basic foundations of data science. Students use interactive applications to explore topics like frequency distributions, sampling, experimental design, inference and regression — all while building mathematical literacy.
Hands-on data analysis, methods to extract key insights, and coding skills taught in this course are aligned to college expectations and the current career landscape. Students also develop quantitative reasoning skills and learn how to use data science across multiple disciplines.
Course Structure
Through Flipped Learning, students engage in collaborative problem solving, while individual depth of understanding is reflected in regular assessments. Students hone mathematical and critical thinking skills through scaffolded learning experiences and statistical methodologies.
Big Ideas
- Data: Discussions on experimental design help students understand how data is collected. Data analysis begins with determining the type of variables contained in the data, then describing and visualizing them in an appropriate way.
- Inference: Decisions about populations are made by assessing sample data. First, a question is asked. Then data is collected, and finally the data is used to infer something about the population.
- Relationships: Summarizing data, creating graphical displays, and analyzing dependence and correspondence help students develop an understanding of how two variables are associated with one another. With this information, students can better understand models used to predict outcomes and to be informed about the accuracy of analyses.
What Students Gain
- An intuitive understanding of the foundations of data science
- Hands-on data analysis experience
- Coding skills
- Quantitative reasoning skills

What Students Say
“I never thought about majoring in statistics, but after this class it has definitely become an option.”