Earth, Wind and Fire: An Introduction to Geoscience
3 College Credits | UT Course Code: GEO 302E | Core Code: 030
High School Course Prerequisites: Biology or IPC required, Chemistry recommended (or concurrent enrollment)

Collaborate with other students to examine and discuss geologic concepts.
This course covers the fundamentals of geoscience literacy, how the Earth works, and how its various systems — the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere — interact to form our complex world.
Many of the most complex and interesting scientific problems of this century, such as energy resources, water supply and climate change, require geologic thinking skills. In this course, students explore the major areas of geoscience; read science journalism; analyze geological datasets; and create infographics to illustrate geologic processes.
Course Structure
In this Peer Instruction-based course, students study Earth as an integrated science, applying the fundamental principles of physics, chemistry, biology and geosciences to explain Earth’s processes.
Big Ideas
- How the solid Earth functions: the Earth as a system, plate tectonics, the rock record, geologic time, geologic hazards
- How the fluid Earth functions: water cycle, groundwater, rivers, ocean and atmospheric circulation, climate, climate change, feedback loops
- How humans interact with the Earth: Earth resources, sustainability, stewardship, climate change, scientific debate and discussion
- How life on Earth evolved: Earth and life origins, change through time, extinction, population growth theory
What Students Gain
- Data analysis skills
- Experience using spreadsheets
- Critical thinking and problem-solving skills

What Students Say
“[OnRamps is] a good opportunity to get college credit and take engaging courses that you otherwise would not have access to in a typical high school environment. I will use my geoscience knowledge to inform my perspective on sustainability.”