Professional Learning Institute
Throughout the academic year, we provide transformative learning experiences to high school teachers, known as OnRamps Instructors, who are implementing OnRamps dual enrollment courses.
OnRamps Instructors take part in a year-long, research-based professional learning and development (PLD) to further impact student learning and enhance instructional practice throughout the academic year.
Instructors work closely with—and are supported by—OnRamps staff, university faculty, and their peers across the state through:
- monthly virtual conferences;
- mentorships;
- summer, fall and spring professional learning institutes (PLI);
- weekly course-specific newsletters;
- as well as opportunities to collaborate with peers across the state to further impact student learning and enhance Instructors’ practice.
Summer Professional Learning Institute
As an OnRamps Instructor, your journey begins in the summer as an attendee to one of our virtually facilitated learning experiences: the Summer PLI. Through both synchronous sessions and asynchronous modules, you will engage in the rigorous OnRamps course content and develop the necessary skills to implement college-aligned pedagogy for students to achieve a growth mindset.
New OnRamps Instructors
Instructors teaching an OnRamps course for the first time prepare for effective course implementation by learning essential course content and pedagogical skills, familiarizing themselves with course-specific technology and setting year-one expectations for themselves and students. They work with peer Instructors across the state, partner with Mentor Instructors, and reflect on challenges of practice with OnRamps Implementation Coaches.
Returning OnRamps Instructors
Instructors returning to OnRamps to teach the same course deepen their pedagogical content knowledge for the benefit of students and their communities of practice. University faculty and OnRamps course staff facilitate learning experiences that promote collaboration between Returning Instructors across districts and fine-tune their pedagogy and skills in various learning modalities.
Fall and Spring Professional Learning Institute
Following summer, Instructors across the state of Texas attend fall and spring institutes. These seasonal hyper-focused experiences provide in-depth learning for the next phases of implementing OnRamps courses with fidelity and ease. Additionally, they serve as a time for Instructors to tap into the OnRamps facilitated network to share classroom experiences, challenges, and solutions.
Yearlong Support

Just-in-Time Guidance
OnRamps staff and the University of Texas at Austin faculty provide just-in-time guidance and coaching to Instructors through platforms such as Sibme or our Canvas LMS. In addition to working on instructional planning and classroom needs, they provide weekly email communications with the latest resources and news.

Staff Support
Each OnRamps course is designed by a University of Texas at Austin faculty member who develops the college curriculum, teaches professional development seminars, and works with OnRamps’ college Instructors of Record to ensure effective implementation of the curriculum. Both are approved by the associated academic department for the course. The college Instructor of Record is the primary point of contact for the high school OnRamps Instructor, maintaining the curriculum and providing group and one-to-one support.